While destruction and eternal damnation is in store for all those who remain in Babylon and leave it not, the eternal kingdom of God is in store for all those who leave Babylon and make their way unto mount Zion, the new Jerusalem, that giant most holy of holies where the LORD, the Holy God of Israel, Creator of heaven and earth, dwells. In kingdom come, this place where the LORD dwells, the new Jerusalem, will come down out of heaven to the new earth when God comes to dwell amongst mankind on earth from that point forward for all time to come (REV 21:3, EZEK 48:35). That is when the kingdom of God will come in all its fullness, when God is living not in heaven above, but living upon the earth below with mankind in the new Jerusalem. Because of the good news of the Gospel message, because of what Jesus did for us on the cross, because of what Jesus won for us on the third day, you don’t have to wait until kingdom come to partake of the eternal kingdom of God, you can partake of the eternal kingdom of God right now. In fact, you have to partake of the kingdom of God right now in order to be able to partake of it when it comes in all its fullness. So let’s get going, shall we? Hurry, the hour is late, night cometh when no man can work (JOHN 9:4)!
Those who search for the Most High upon the holy mount of Zion with all their hearts will find Him. The LORD instructs His people from His holy mountain, leading them in the ways that they should go (PSALM 32:8). Those that bless the LORD will find counsel and instructions from Him (PSALM 16:7). From the LORD, through the Holy Spirit, you can learn what the kingdom of God is all about. In the kingdom of God, you can reach for all that you can see. And the more you reach for and grab hold of, the more there is for you to see to reach for and take hold of. The higher you climb on the spiritual ladder of the Most High, the more you can see and so there is more for you to reach for and attain—it is a feast indeed! And it lasts forever! I can’t wait! There is no end to the vastness and glory and power and wonder of the kingdom of God, the kingdom of our Father who art in heaven, who lavishes grace and peace upon us now and forever more! Hallelujah!
For the sons of God, what the benefits of the kingdom of God boil down to is a little something called grace. Grace is the favor and power of God. Grace, along with peace, is dispensed to the sons of God in unlimited measure forever and ever. Our Father who art in heaven grants us grace to make us new creations, cleansing us from all our wrongdoing and remembering our sins no more and bringing us into a kingdom without end.
So come one, come all, come right this way into the kingdom of God. Know this you sons of God: salvation is not something you can earn, lest anyone boast of their own righteousness. Salvation is a free gift from God—a get out of hell free card if you will—that you can only receive by faith. And when you accept and receive your salvation by faith and you walk by faith and not by sight, your faith is credited to you as righteousness (ROM 4:5) and grace is dispensed to you from a never-ending flowing river of living water from the throne of God in heaven down into and out of your belly, filling your whole being:
He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.
—John 7:38
Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God. But flesh and bone and water, that’s another story. So come one, come all, come and drink freely from the spring of the water of life and live forever and ever (REV 21:6, 22:17)! Amen! Hallelujah!