What about this matter of praying in the Holy Ghost or praying in tongues as it is commonly known? Just what is this babbling language and how do believers get this gift? When you are praying in tongues, or praying in the Holy Ghost, you are speaking a heavenly language, a language of angels. When you are praying in tongues, or praying in the Holy Ghost, you are speaking directly to God and speaking mysteries and you are edifying yourself. While prophesying is edifying to the Church as a whole, praying in tongues is edifying to the individual believer. While prophesying is more valuable for the Church as a whole because it is God speaking to the masses, nevertheless, praying in tongues is a valuable self-help tool for each individual believer because you are unique in God and when you are praying in tongues, you are speaking from your spirit directly to God without your mind getting in the way. When you are praying in tongues, you are bypassing your mind and praying with your spirit in direct communication to God. It is pure spiritual communication and you are praying perfectly. When we pray normally in our known earthly language, we know what we are saying, but sometimes we don’t know the right words to ask or say and our prayers may be awkward or incomplete. But you don’t have that problem when praying in the Holy Ghost because you are putting your mind aside and you are praying with your spirit directly to God. And in this direct communication, you are praying perfectly for what you should pray about and you are totally in tune with the Holy Spirit. So take heed you sons of God of the admonition in JUDE 1:20 and build up yourself on your most holy faith by praying in the Holy Ghost.
Having said that, what’s a person to do, pray in the Holy Ghost knowing not what you’re saying and building yourself up, or pray in your earthly language knowing what you’re saying? When you’re praying in the Holy Ghost, you don’t understand what is being said, your understanding is unfruitful, but you are praying deep things and mysteries of God and you are praying perfectly. And when you’re praying in your earthly language, you know what you are saying, but your prayers are not as effective as praying in the Holy Ghost. So what should a believer do, pray with their known language, or pray in the Holy Ghost, or do both? The Apostle Paul says to do both, and not to favor one over the other, but to strike a balance. Do not favor praying in tongues over praying in your known language, or vice-versa. Paul says pray in both your heavenly language and your earthly language and sing in both your heavenly language and your earthly language.
If you have asked the Father for the gift of the Holy Spirit and you've been baptized by the Holy Spirit, then you have access to this precious gift of praying in tongues or praying in the Holy Ghost, it's just a matter of releasing your heavenly language. Just start babbling. It may be baby words at first, but just let go and babble and let the Holy Spirit provide you the words in a never-ending flowing river of words. Just let go and start the rumbling, mumbling sounds, that’s the start of it, just keep going with the flow. What you will find out is when you are praying in the Holy Ghost, you are tapping into a never-ending flow. You can tap into this inexhaustible flow of words whenever you want and you can stop whenever you want. Treat it like learning to swim. Just jump in the water and start paddling, or in this case, start babbling. You may feel and be awkward at first, but lo and behold, you will find yourself drowning in a never-ending flowing river of words. Just let go and go with the flow and tap into this never-ending flow of praying in the Holy Ghost.
For more on praying in the Holy Ghost, see 1 CORINTHIANS 14.